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Information for Parents

Every human being has a value and dignity, which we as Catholics acknowledge as coming directly from God’s creation of male and female in his own image and likeness. We believe, therefore, that all people should be valued, supported and protected from harm.

Corpus Christi Catholic High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the physical, mental and emotional welfare of every pupil. We implement a whole-school preventative approach to managing safeguarding concerns, ensuring that the wellbeing of pupils is at the forefront of all action taken.

“Children report they feel safe; bullying and incidents of unkindness are taken seriously by staff”

Lancashire County Council Safeguarding Audit 2023

We have a committed safeguarding team in school to help support and protect our pupils, however safeguarding will always be the responsibility of every member of our school community.

“I feel very safe in school. The teachers around are very loyal and caring.”

Year 7 pupil safeguarding questionnaire April 2023

Who are our safeguarding team?

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Sutcliffe

Assistant Headteacher

PE Office/ DSL Office

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs N. Sutcliffe
Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Mr T. Wilson
Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Mrs J. Dillon
Safeguarding Governor: Mrs J. Butterworth
Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead: Miss J. Bell

All staff and Governors receive safeguarding training annually to support them in their role.

Anti Bullying

Corpus Christi’s school motto, Together in One Body, encapsulates our attitude towards bullying, in whatever form this may take.

“Incidents of bullying are rare. Pupils are confident that teachers will deal with bullying effectively.”

Ofsted 2019

We recognise that in order to achieve anything in life it is important that we work together and treat everybody, regardless of gender, sexuality, race, colour, social conditions, language or religion, in a fair and respectful manner. We believe that everyone in our school community has the God-given right to be treated with dignity and equality.  

If a pupil is a victim of bullying, or witnesses bullying, they are expected to report it as soon as possible to an adult at school. Alternatively, they can report it anonymously online via the school’s website.  

We are committed to raising awareness of any form of bullying and how we can work together to ensure that all members of our community feel safe. 

“I feel safe in school because I know that there are many members of staff I can talk to about my feelings. I know that I feel safe in my surroundings too because there are many people to protect me”

Year 7 pupil safeguarding questionnaire April 2023

At Corpus Christi Catholic High School, we do not tolerate bullying. It is important that pupils report any incidents of unkindness, discrimination or bullying immediately to a member of staff. The most effective way to report these incidents is to speak directly to a Head of Year or Pastoral Support Officer. If this is not possible, you can email your concerns to or report a concern through the school website. 


Information and advice on how to keep your child safe online

See our monthly e-safety newsletters and more information about staying safe online here


Prevent is a government strategy aimed at safeguarding and supporting those vulnerable to radicalisation in order to stop people becoming terrorists, or supporting terrorism or extremist causes. As a school, we support the Prevent duty by educating pupils on the possible ways people may be radicalised and have extremist views.

Operation Encompass

Our school is part of Operation Encompass, which is a national scheme that operates jointly between schools and police forces.

Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools, prior to the start of the next school day, when a child or young person has experienced domestic abuse.

As a school, we have ensured that three members of our staff, Mrs N Sutcliffe (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mr T Wilson (Deputy Safeguarding Lead) and Mrs J Dillon (Deputy Safeguarding Lead) have been trained in the Operation Encompass procedures. This allows us to use the information that has been shared, in confidence, to support the children in our care.

If you have any concerns about your child’s usage of the internet or social media platforms please contact your Pastoral Support Officer.

Safeguarding Policies

Contact Details

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)Mrs N.
Deputy DSLMr T.
Deputy DSLMrs J.
Safeguarding GovernorMrs J. ButterworthIf you wish to contact Mrs Butterworth, please ask at our school reception.

Safeguarding leads can also be contacted by calling our school reception on 01772 716912.

Together In One Body
Corpus Christi Catholic High School
St. Vincent’s Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8QY
Telephone: 01772 716912 Fax: 01772 718779 Email: